Dog pee…

It’s all fun and games until you fall asleep on the couch, cuddled up next to your dog, and wake about a half hour later to your dog licking your arm, you stand up and wonder why your ass is soaked, and then realize that your dog peed all over the couch, so you strip the sofa cover to put in the wash, take your dog out to make sure that she’s done, and then shower to get the pee off only to finally roll into bed at 2am on a work night…

Conversation with a friend…

Oden: I guess my cats want food

Loquacious: That’s unsurprising

Oden: Had to pick up a hairball first

Loquacious: Gross…

Oden: They were all standing around it as to show it off with great pride, then they demanded food.

Loquacious: That’s priceless

Oden: Cats

Loquacious: That’s cat world. Dog world is a weird place too. They do the same thing, but then one of them tries to eat it.

Oden: If it was puke and not a hairball one of them would of tried to eat it.

Loquacious: So it’s just animals…

Oden: Yeah they don’t like to waste a hot meal…