11/10/21 (vent)…

I feel like life is seeing what they need to throw at me to push me over the edge…

I know that curses don’t actually exist, but I still feel like this year is cursed for me…

So far this year I’ve lost my mom, had two surgeries, been left in charge of the estate, had to have a tooth extracted that requires an implant, had a massive falling out with my older brother, my wife’s uncle died of cancer, her first cousin (who is our age) got diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, I have had the same cold since August, found out that my 13 year old dog has aggressive cancer & will very likely be dead before Christmas, found out that my older brother is planning on suing me, I’ve been working alone since May, I’ve had numerous people try to file written complaints against me at work for things that I genuinely didn’t do,, as sad as it is I could actually keep going on…..

I’m under so much stress right now. Stress that I feel like I can’t handle at times. I tried to be put on anti-anxiety meds, but my doctor said that I didn’t have enough symptoms…

I’ve been losing my temper recently. It’s a part of myself that I hate. I have worked so hard to get it under control & I don’t like the person I’m becoming. I’ve started using Headspace again. I really hope that it helps…

I need a change. I need something to go my way. I can’t keep doing this much longer…

Gap to fill…

After 7-8 months without my mom, something I can say for sure is that life is a lonely place without her.

I used to call my mom twice a day, every day. With my family and friends’ schedules, that’s a near impossible gap to fill.

Every single day,  I think of a reason to call my mom & talk. A lot of people say that their parent is there best friend, but my mom honestly was one of my best friends. I’m lucky to be able to say that she was always there for me when I needed her. She was such a loving, caring, selfless person & she had such an amazing impact in my life.

If your parents are still here, take full advantage of that while you can, because as sad as it is to say that won’t be the case forever…